Friday, May 15, 2020

Sample Reflective Essay on Internship

Sample Reflective Essay on InternshipHow to write a sample reflective essay on internship? You have a great opportunity in these uncertain times and a lot of people, not just interns, need your expertise. It will take some time, but it is a necessary one.Thank God for television! Because when I was in my last year of college, there was a new show on television called The Office. The premise was that you worked at a fictional advertising agency for an English professor (that would be me) and you would work with your fellow employees to achieve goals and accomplish tasks as they were assigned.In any case, a good office worker needs to put some thought into his or her actions. Most importantly, you must be able to explain the reasons behind those actions. Without this, the office environment quickly becomes chaotic. Especially, if you work with other people.As an example, let's say that you are assigned to provide a reading as a guest speaker. Your guest is a popular football player. Yo u are asked to read an autobiographical short story that was written by the player. In other words, the reader knows more about the football player than the writer does.If you had a fantastic or amazing performance at the reading, the reader may feel that your essay is 'too personal' and might not want to use your work. But if you do not provide examples and explain your reasons why, then it is difficult to defend your performance as personal. This is true whether the essay is a guest lecture or a sample reflective essay on internship.One thing to remember is that your essays must contain three things: Reason, Action and Reference. Reason is why. For example, let's say that you decide to write an essay on your experiences being a receptionist for a small business.Before you even start, you know that the small business is struggling to keep their doors open because of the lack of clients and workers. The essay will include three stories from a variety of reasons that caused the busin ess to face problems. Of course, if the business owner wants, he or she can provide the personal information to support the reasons, but that is not necessary.Next, you need to provide a brief explanation of why the business is struggling and what you hope to accomplish by writing the essay. When the final draft is completed, you are well on your way to a reflection on the internship.

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