Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adoption Is A Beautiful Process - 2327 Words

Adoption is the formal, voluntary process by which adults are legally declared as parents of children who are not their own. â€Å"When you adopt, you become more than the legal parent of a child. You become that child’s mom or dad — in your heart, in your mind, in your body, and in your soul.† (Tracy Barr, 14) Adoption is a beautiful process. The adoption process allows children (who were not as blessed to know or stay with their biological parents) a family who can provide for and shelter them. According to Leon-Guerrero, a family is a social unit based on kinship relations, and a construct of meaning and relationships both emotional and economic (G-2). Per that definition, it has inspired me to learn about the different types of adoption, and has proved me that there are various ways to provide a loving family for children who have not been fortunate enough to remain with their own. However, in the wake of LGBT marriage being legalized in all 50 states, LGBT adoption should also be legalized across the United States. In Nashville, TN., LGBT couples can petition to adopt. Whatsoever, that is not the same for all fifty of the states. According to the officials at Adopt Us Kids, â€Å"Most States do not have laws or formal policies prohibiting individuals’ eligibility to adopt or serve as foster parents based on sexual orientation. Instead, child welfare professionals and judges make placement decisions based on the best interest of the individual child† (Adopt Us Kids). The mainShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On Adoption783 Words   |  4 Pagesthe U.S. With numbers being so low in adoption rates, and many couples hoping to find a beautiful child to make legally theirs, we ask ourselves, how is this possible? It takes months to years for an adoption process to be fulfilled completely. 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They are given another chance to live a normal life with people that love them. b. Family/pg. 461: Two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The film â€Å"China’s Lost Girls†, portrays a secondRead More Adoption, the Moral Alternative to Abortion Essay1264 Words   |  6 PagesAdoption, the Moral Alternative to Abortion It was only three days after being born that I was flown to my new family in Illinois. If I had not been for a one woman’s unselfish decision, I would not be writing the words on this page right now. Abortion is an ethically wrong decision and option for a parent. It is illegal to take the life of another human being; by choosing to have an abortion, legally a parent is not willingly killing a human life. However, this choice is still

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